

Creating value is always a hard task when developing and growing a brand in today’s crowded marketplace.  Focusing on the consumer, their “job to be done” and the emotional component of the brand all contribute to how much value the target consumer assigns to the product.  This becomes especially important for small and mid-sized brands as their brand’s value equation (and associated story) can help it successfully compete with larger brands in today’s omni-channel retail environment.

This article from Wharton discusses the hierarchy of such consumer values (from functional to emotional to aspirational), providing a “scientific” method to the art of marketing to your target consumer.


A primary element of a solid brand strategy is package design – it’s one of our favorite “P”s in our Brand Check Up process.  It is important for all brands but even more so for small and mid-sized brands to differentiate themselves on the shelf (often where they are most visible) from the competition.  Packaging can also be one of the most important marketing tactics a brand can use when working with limited budgets.  A couple of things to keep in mind when designing or redesigning a brand’s packaging:

  • You must clearly understand your target consumer’s “job to be done” and be sure that your package design communicates to their need.
  • You may be able to differentiate your product on shelf through a new form or product delivery system. Seek to be different.

In this article, our partner The Goldstein Group discusses the package redesign they did for heritage Skin-care brand Dr. Smith’s.  It’s worth the read.